Legal Analyze on Conversion Mode of Collective Land of Project Development& From the perspective of the system reform of farming land transaction of Chengdu city 项目开发中集体土地流转模式之法律分析&以成都市农村土地流转制度改革为视角
Construction and Application of Willingness Model on Rural Land Transaction: A Case Study of Chongqing City 农村土地流转意愿度模型的构建与应用&以重庆市为例
Application of institutional approach in studying urban planning and land transaction under the transition economy 过渡经济体制下的城市规划和土地交易问题的制度分析
Release on market access and land transaction will be calculated by government so as to add the market energy. 政府应该在市场准入、土地交易等环节逐步放松规制,增强市场活力。
It showed us historical original appearance of land transaction, land price, and transaction scale, which reflected the two different periods before and after the revolt of Hui nationality. 它为我们展现了清代河州土地买卖、土地典当的价格、交易规模等方面的历史原貌,反映出同治回族起义前后河州土地买卖呈现出极不相同的两个时期。
In every land transaction, it is important to ascertain who is the registered owner of the property. 在每宗涉及土地的交易里,确定谁是有关物业的注册业主是很重要的。
A Discussion of Some Problems Concerning Collective Construction Land Transaction in Rural Area 农村集体建设用地流转中迫切需要解决的几个问题探讨
The Safety in Land Transaction: A View from Comparative Law 土地交易中安全性的比较法考察
An analysis of effects of uncertainty in real estates price on efficiency of land transaction 房地产价格不确定性对土地交易效率的影响分析
With the implementation of the auction in land transaction in public and the announcement of# 121 regulation from central bank, most of the real estate companies feel the funding pressure and many real estate companies in small scale bankrupted. 随着土地公开转让政策的实施和央行[121]号文件的颁布,信贷融资给房地产企业带来了阵阵寒意,众多的小房地产公司因资金链的断裂而破产。
On Perfecting the System of Farming Land Transaction and Constructing Harmonious Society 论完善农村土地流转制度与建设和谐社会
Study on land transaction of peasant collective ownership during the concerted. development of urban and rural economy 城乡经济一体化中集体土地流转问题研究
From economic perspective, land legal system originates from economizing on land transaction costs. 从经济学的角度看,土地法律制度的产生源与于土地交易费用的节约;
The sixth part for the land market price control system innovation design, from used the demand forecast and the land reserve, the land supply system, the land transaction licensing system and the soil-rent value monitor system four aspects proposes the management countermeasure. 第六部分为土地市场价格管理制度创新设计,从用地需求预测与土地储备、土地供应制度、土地交易许可制度和地价监测系统四个方面提出了管理对策。
The frequency and amount of land transaction are limited and the land market development was slow. 正是基于这些缘由,土地买卖的数量和规模较为有限,土地交易的频率趋于平缓,土地市场处于一种缓慢向前发展的状态。
Firstly, the author analyses the relation between the authority, status and order, and demonstrates that there were some weak individuals which were unfavorable in the land transaction. 首先,分析了权力、身份与秩序的关系,指出交易中一些弱势个体的不利地位。其次,从契约的表现形式、法律行为和法律约束力等方面,对契约的社会经济功能作了肯定性评价。
The land legal system can decrease land transaction costs, enhance economic efficiency, facilitate the internalization of external problems in land use. 土地法律制度的存在可以降低土地交易费用,提高经济效率,促进土地利用过程中外部性问题的内部化;
Design and Implementation of Information System for Land Reserve and Land Transaction 土地储备与交易信息系统的设计与实现
It shows that there is a flourish market in land use right existed in those areas, collectively owned land is the primary supply in land market and there are also some informal transactions such as short term, absent of formal contract in land transaction among farmers. 分析结果表明,城乡交错区的农地使用权市场十分活跃,集体出让农地是农地使用权市场的主要供给方式,而农户之间的农地自发交易则存在着短期限、无正式契约等不规范的特征。
Workflow defines and manages the approval process involved in the businesses of land planning and land transaction from the definition, implementation and management of the workflow. 工作流技术通过定义、执行和管理工作流,对土地规划、土地交易等业务中涉及的审批流程进行定义和管理。
Land market is the place for land transaction and formed by the land ownership transaction. 土地市场是土地买卖关系发生的场所,是由土地产权交易所形成的市场。
This shows that the grain for green policy affects peasant household rearranging land resource through the market, that is, has the influence on the agricultural land transaction in northern Shaanxi. 说明退耕还林政策对农户通过市场配置土地资源产生影响,即对退耕还林区域农地流转产生影响。
At this period, the land transaction and annex were popular. 同时,土地买卖与兼并日渐盛行。
The object of study in this paper is the Chinese rural land transaction system. 本文的研究对象是中国农村土地流转制度。
Government regulation, such as market access control, the lowest price control of land transaction, land quantitative supply control, and income distribution system, which can remedy market failure of the collective construction land transfer, and guide rational resource allocation. 政府管制如土地交易最低价格管制、土地供给数量管制、收益分配制度以及市场准入管制等能够弥补集体建设用地流转市场失效,引导资源合理配置。
According to the global condition, commercial bribery and the problem of bribery in the process of land transaction, which exist in every country, are not Chinese characteristic phenomena. 综观全球情形,商业贿赂及土地交易中的贿赂问题并非中国特色现象,它存在于世界各国,长期以来,每个国家都不同程度地受其困扰。
During the course of urbanization and industrialization rapidly pushing on, the land transaction is frequently, the land price type is diversified, and the change of land uses is acute in urban fringe. 在城市化和工业化迅速推进的过程中,城乡结合部的土地交易频繁,土地价格类型多样,土地利用变化剧烈。
Non-agricultural employment has accelerated the land transaction among farmers and optimized the land allocation, but has not brought the increase of land inputs and outputs. 非农就业加速了农户间土地的流转和优化配置,但没有带来土地投入和产出水平的明显增长。
With the development of real estate and land transaction, the problem of bribery in the process of land transaction has become serious area of commercial bribery. 随着房地产业和土地市场交易的发展,土地交易过程尤其是土地出让环节的贿赂问题成为当前我国商业贿赂的重灾区。
Land transferring market is composed of the whole land transaction relations. 土地流转的交易关系总和构成了土地流转市场。